Monday, December 7, 2015

Testinlägg: Skapar ny Design

Hi there! Today is November 13th and I'm finally, finally writing the NaNo-update I've been wanting to write for about a week now. NaNo itself has kept me so busy I haven't even read anything this past week, at all. Puh!

But for the past three days I have been sick, and after finally catching up on the chapter I was behind on, I decided it was time to tell you how it's going. Yesterday I started editing the first chapter of the second part, and here's what I've learned during November:

First of all, I've discovered that editing is hard. Truth is, I don't really know what I am doing - I have never before gotten to the stage of editing and it's difficult to decide what to keep and what has to go. In my head, everything is mixed up and detangling it all is a huge process, this giant jungle where I am lost and alone without a map. So yeah, there's that.

There's also the second thing I've discovered: Editing takes time. Since I have a long way to my school, and school five days a week, this is tricky. I squeeze in as much editing as I can at night, basically I have gotten home and gone straight to my computer these past two weeks. Then I've sat there until I can no longer avoid sleep. I've mostly managed to make it work though, mostly managed one chapter a day, which is something I'm really proud of. But I know I'm gonna have to go back through everything again, because though I edit I don't edit everything in the chapters. Then I really wouldn't have enough time.

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